i was not magnificent
1, 2, 3 & 4


fnuffe. 2010 & 2007.
i love him. yes, very much.

{cravings. running-cravings.}
We The Kings- Check Yes Julie {acoustic}
i'm sitting listening on music with my new mp3player i got yesterday from my mom {because my last one completely died, the day after THIS actually. ironic huh? don't know how it's even possible, not surprised though....}. it was supposed to be a easter present, and i should have gotten it saturday, but since i was supposed to go running this morning i got it early {thaaank yooou!!}. but when i woke up the rain was pouring down, {scratch that, it's snowing now} of course... so that plan died kinda quick... i really miss my treadmill, like a lot. it's bloody cold outside, and since i have astma, i hate running if it's cold because that triggers the astma even more and it gets more difficult to breath properly.
but since we now live in an apartment i can't have the treadmill here. sad life, huh? i miss running... going freaking craaazy...... a year ago i would love running in the rain, because that's like one of the best things there is. but since i like to run longer now and have worked so hard and am now able to go on longer runs, the rain doesn't sound inviting... at all. just imagine running in cold rain for an hour? no thank you, i think i would get sick and die, and then regret it forever. kinda. yes, something like that anyways.
{^me on the run with wilma the other day. i've only been running outside 2 times this season, and i would still run on my treadmill if i had the chance. it's deadly boring to stare into a wall for an hour, but i love it. with an audiobook in your ears it's amazing. and running outside is more difficult for me... mostly because it's harder for me just getting myself out and just do it, with my treadmill it's just so much easier. getting my audiobook, shoes, running shorts and just freaking start running. not much more than that. running outside is more.... uh. and it's cold. can't stand cold. i'm dying, literally.
and i could literally go on forever about running, what it means to me, how i got started, motivational stuff that got me going. i've bombarded my friends with all that talk. but i could write it here to. it means so much to me. and this whole journey i'm on is so asdfghgf amazing. well, more about that some other time, i guess!}
and i could literally go on forever about running, what it means to me, how i got started, motivational stuff that got me going. i've bombarded my friends with all that talk. but i could write it here to. it means so much to me. and this whole journey i'm on is so asdfghgf amazing. well, more about that some other time, i guess!}
i stumbled over this video maybe in november. and this is the video that got me going again. that reminded me how much i loved running, and how much it meant to me. and to start training again, not to get that dream body, but to feel good, is something that really got me starting again. and i'm forever thankful for that. just thought i would share it, if it might motivate somebody else. it did to me, anyways, in that dark place.
i'm planing to go out on a walk now anyway. skipping the run for now. sadly, uuuh. both my body and mind is craving a long run. ah, crazy over here. well, going on a walk anyways. in the rain, listening to music. that's so cozy. and then i plan to answer comments. i really suck at that... i just wait until they are in a big pile, and then it takes forever to answer them. i need to get better at that. sorryyyy!
i'm planing to go out on a walk now anyway. skipping the run for now. sadly, uuuh. both my body and mind is craving a long run. ah, crazy over here. well, going on a walk anyways. in the rain, listening to music. that's so cozy. and then i plan to answer comments. i really suck at that... i just wait until they are in a big pile, and then it takes forever to answer them. i need to get better at that. sorryyyy!
she dreamed of paradise

these person of goofyness i've spent the last few days with, that's why it's been a bit quiet. we haven't seen each other for one whole year, crazy. after a 4 hour busride {and a few days of thinking she wouldn't even get to come} she was finally here, and now she's gone. time moves too fast, as usual. it feels like we've known each other for ages. maybe 4, 5 years now? we actually met through my blog, lalala <thank you blog!!!!! she also had a blog, and also wrote about her dog which i did to at the time, and after a while we began to chat, which led to webcams and then long phonecalls. but we met for the first time november 2010, when she and her dad was visiting stockholm. she is such a goofball.

it was a snowstorm the day she came, and soooo cold... and it snowed like ever before, both me and my brother had to photograph the snowflakes flying, they were soooo big. what happened to the warmth and spring? uh. we who'd looking forward to spending every second outside, well that plan kinda failed. but we had a lovely time nontheless. and today the sky was blue and it was so sunny, so we atleast spent today outside. we spent the nights under blankets watching non-scary horrormovies and talking, not to forget about the tea... so much tea. and we went on a run. so. freaking. cold. i thought i was going to die by the middle of it. and we went shopping, dyed my hair pink, walked and walked, made delicious fruitsallads and just hung out. and today we spent the afternoon with my dogs sitting in the sun which was so lovely. i'm waiting for her to get home so she can send me the photos from her iphone, which was our main photo-source so hopefully i'll show you some more pictures soon. and the last two days i've slept like never before, oh so amazing. i who usually have insomnia and usually not getting any sleep before 4am. so asdfghj wonderful.
3½ days went by so fast. three long hugs later she got on the bus home. but we have already decided plans for the summer.
hopefully the future agrees with that plan!

i miss her already, it feels so empty. and i can't believe it was a whole year ago since last, doesn't feel like that at all. and she grew 12 cm since last, and now she is so much taller than me... although i have her age-wise, not my fault for being so short, haha.