
“I see my path, but I don’t know where it leads. Not knowing where I’m going is what inspires me to travel it.”

pictures never posted before. taken the summer two years ago.
/ I remember. It was the first time being in a airport since me being 5 years old and traveling to Greece. The travellust I had then, and still have, is insane. That plus me being in an airport not there to travel was an insane combination. My heart ached watching all the airplanes leave and I imagined myself being on then.
I sat there dreaming. I thought to myself that I could live here, on different airports and traveling the world. Still do. I felt at home there.

Roade mig med att göra gifar för två år sedan. Har en hel del, men postade dem aldrig här. Vet inte varför, men har så mycket jag inte lade upp här som jag gillar massvis ändå. Får göra det nu.
Åh alltså. Det är så fint att kolla tillbaka på livet förut. Fotografering är så fint att ha.
//“Without new experiences, something inside of us sleeps. The sleeper must awaken.”
“Not all those who wander are lost.”//
The 'creepy internet friends' who aren't really that creepy, just wonderful

Då var det april och påsklov igen och dags för det årliga besöket av denna fina person. Vi har setts med ett års mellanrum de senaste tre åren, varje påsklov. Vi träffades genom bloggen för sisådär 5 år sedan, och träffades för första gången när hon var i Stockholm november 2010, och gick runt i olika affärer och provade fula kläder och skrattade tills vi inte kunde andas. Man har ju lite roliga minnen tillsammans, om man säger så.
Var ett år sedan sist vi sågs och kände mig lite som en gammal släkting när jag mötte upp henne på tågstationen och var helt "oooh så lång du blivit" osv osv. Det var himla underbara 3 dagar, och gick med kameran runt halsen en hel del. Har några tusen bilder att ta mig igenom. (Vet inte hur det ska gå riktigt. Långsam dator + en fotograf med många tusentals bilder är aldrig en bra kombination).
Nu ska det inte gå ett år tills nästa gång. Helst bara några veckor. Gillar inte att mina bästa vänner bor så långt borta, vill ju ha allihopa här så man kan krama på dem varenda dag.

Att ta fram kameran direkt är ett måste liksom.

▼ ✦ there’s a thin line between word and world ✦ ▼

@hannahlarsson on instagram
Since I didn't blog during the time I were in Turkey I spammed instagram with hundreds of photographs. Here is a few of them.
I wish I could live with the road as my home. My traveling soul is hurting being in stuck in Sweden.
Soon I will travel the world though. Det ska jag. Lovar det.
Sverige i ett nötskal, det där med vädret alltså

Ett år sedan.
För ett år sedan kom en fin vän ner hit. Hon satt på tåget ner och vi taggade vår och solen som var utanför fönstret och gjorde upp planer på vad vi måste göra när hon kom fram. Tio minuter innan vi satte oss i bilen för att bege oss till tågstationen så lyser det upp utanför och jag tittar ut. Blev väldigt chockad av att se gigantiska snöflingor göra anfall mot den bara marken. Ropade på mamma och min bror och vi stod alla tre och tittade ut och gjorde några skratt som var en blandning av förundran över synen, ledsamhet över snön och bara allmänt över hur ostabilt vårvädret är.
Ena sekunden vår, andra sekunden vinterlandskap.
Istället blev det en filmkväll. Var rätt så jättefint i alla fall. Väldigt.
"I’m full of love, and nobody wants it" -Dylan Klebold

det vackraste jag vet. {taken with iphone}
Jag vill inte leva i framtiden, men det är så det är. Man planerar lägenheten med bästa vännen, resor, jobb - livet. Allt sådant som inte går att göra att göra nu. Det tar tid och man måste vänta. Men sådant gör så jävla ont faktiskt. Och jag tycker inte om det. Jag vill inte leva i framtiden. Jag vill leva nu.
Livet är för kort för att leva i framtiden.
Men ibland måste man, och jag måste nog acceptera att det är så det måste vara. Fast måste det verkligen det?

the beauty of that girl. wow. (and i'm not talking about the goat).
seven {i had a dream}

i had a dream. a dream about different contries before me and other worlds i've never known. a dream about the road as my home and the smiles of new people. landscapes i've never witnessed with my own eyes, always dreaming of sitting there infront of the computerscreen. i had a dream, that filled my every thought.
and maybe, it won't be just a dream; i won't allow it to be just a dream. it means to much to me.
dreams shouldn't be allowed to just stay dreams. that is too sad. you should make them reality.
what do you dream about? berätta gärna, tycker sånt är bland de finaste att läsa om.
Take your camera wherever you go use it as a visual diary, capture photos of obejects, places, people.

{all pictures taken with my iPhone}
Stuff like 100 000 deleted pictures hurt so bloody much.
I take too many pictures. Even though, for reasons I can't explain, my picture always gets deleted or lost, either the computer crashes, the harddrive crashes, they just deletes - every picture we as even a family own, since 2006 and picture from vacations etc, are gone. Every picture. And all of my own från before 2011. Every single one. Makes my heart break, because my pictures means so much to me. Even though alot of them are gone {about 100 000 I've taken? More?}, I have way to many of them from the ones I have now.
Yesterday I went to my dads and got my harddrive from I had there. A few from 2011 and from summer 2012. It's fucking 28 345 pictures. Only from that time. Insane. And it's not like it's bad blurry ones too, THEY ARE ALL PICTURES I COULD SHOW. I don't know what to do with them.
It's just so many of them!!!!

I have barely shown anything on my blog, which is sad and strange and just weird. I don't even show my art here which is weird too. But it's true. Since I got my iPhone june 2012 I have like 250 pictures a day. A DAY. EVERYDAY. For a year soon. On days where alot happened it can be around 1000.
"Take your camera wherever you go use it as a visual diary;
capture photos of obejects, places, people."
The best kind of diary.

Stuff like 100 000 deleted pictures hurt so bloody much. Especially the kind that document your life. That matters. Your work, and all the time, every single stuff filled with happiness, that you gave a part of yourself of, stuff that represent you - all gone. You just have to start over. Again and again. And it just hurts. So much.
(and it's not like I'm stupid and making the same mistake twice, they get deleted different ways every single time. My family and friends can't even understand it. It's like I have a curse or something. It's insane. So weird. And it breaks my heart.) Now I have three harddrives. Not happening ever again. Never. Not a chance.
I'm so happy some are still there, and the ones from this summer and 2011. I thought they were gone but remembered that by some luck the days before my crashed I copied some of the best ones to my dads harddrive. Luck or what? So some of them are still there. Well, 28 000-some-of-them. Imagine all the photographs I've taken... insane.
Here is a little green post. Can't wait 'till summer come.

I think you people should talk to me. Comment. Blogging was no fun when you guys don't talk to me. I can see that you are there. Please, write!! Anything, everything.
Makes my day talking to you. Snälla, skriv! Blir roligare att blogga då.
sånt där som gör en så jävla glad alltså; vänner.
Jag läste nyss denna text jag fått skriven till mig av en vän. Gör mig så glad att jag inte vet vart jag ska ta vägen riktigt. Vänner är sånt man lever för. Är så himla sjukt att jag lärt känna så himla många via internet. Internet är ett stort ställe, enormt, och det känns så otroligt faktiskt. Så fint. Vännerna jag träffat genom bloggen och internet är dem närmaste jag har.
Denna text nedan fick jag skriven av en vän från andra sidan jorden, som jag träffade av en ren slump. Så jävla fint. Hon skriver så fina peppande ord att man blir varm i hela själen. Internet är typ bäst.
"The internet allows you to dream while you are still awake"
Denna text nedan fick jag skriven av en vän från andra sidan jorden, som jag träffade av en ren slump. Så jävla fint. Hon skriver så fina peppande ord att man blir varm i hela själen. Internet är typ bäst.
"The internet allows you to dream while you are still awake"

{1,2 taken with mobile}


jag mötte upp en fin barndomsvän i stockholm jag inte träffat på år. minns fortfarande hur vi gick runt med barnvagnar och lekte med barbie och barbies hennes rosa bil. vänner man har sådana minnen med är lite extra speciella. faktiskt.
The time when you still believed in the Easter Bunny

/archive pictures from easter 2011
Happy easter. We don't celebrate easter, but looking at these sent memories from when I was a little. Seaching for easter eggs filled with candy and something secret and special. Me drawing drawings and putting by the front door for the easter bunny and always being so chocked that it was gone when I looked later, with a note saying "thank you, from the easter bunny" where the drawing was before.
Sunny skies and warmer weather. And the very absolute favorite - when they came with their machines and cleaned all the gravel and I could finally use my scooter. So lovely.
Since it isn't spring in Sweden just yet, here is easter from two years ago, when the world had already started to blossom.
Glad påsk fint folk.
Sunny skies and warmer weather. And the very absolute favorite - when they came with their machines and cleaned all the gravel and I could finally use my scooter. So lovely.
Since it isn't spring in Sweden just yet, here is easter from two years ago, when the world had already started to blossom.
Glad påsk fint folk.

Family is everything // {barnfotografering}

^^Det bara skriker bus om hela denna grabb alltså. Busungen själv.

^^Att springa baklänges och fota medans man har en liten tjej som springer efter och skriker
av skratt gör en rätt så jätteglad.

^^Snorig och söt liten tjej som sprungit ifatt mig.

^^Jo, att ha en tvåårig tjej springa mot en och skrika "HANNAH!!" gör
en glad i hela kroppen. Finaste.

Knowing this family has brought alot of smiles. It's been fantastic being around these twins since they were born too, seeing them grow up. It's makes you look at life a bit differently, seeing lifes formed really makes your view on life different. I can't even begin to imagine what all you parents feel out there. Wow. Overwhelming.
And having two twins and a big brother on top of that, it's never quite boring.
I was asked if I wanted to go on a little trip with these guys a few weeks ago, which I did and I brought my camera. So lovely. I have over five hundred of photographs from this. I'll come back to it and show more someday, given I like alot of them.
I have so much stuff to publish I could post 10 post a day, if not more. I won't though, but I could! This is so lovely and exciting.
// {link} and {link} and {link} and {link] and {link} <<watch them grow. they are randomly
throughout my whole blog really. it's a few of them of these out there. //

My beautiful mother. (taken with iphone)

Sunset and sunrise.
Morning and evening. The first day in turkey. (taken with iphone)

[taken with my iphone]
“There are no foreign lands. It is the traveler only who is foreign.”

the many landscapes of turkey. {not the animal but the country}
[all taken with my iphone]
“In a world in which we are all slaves to the laws of gravity, I’m proud to be counted as one of them freedom fighters. Skydive!”

“Skydiving: It is not just a matter of life and death…it is much more important than that.”

me and my skydivingteam. the best one.
I'm so bloody excited to skydive again. I did it the summer of 2011 when I got as a birthdaygift, a skydive. It'd been a dream for a long time, and it was just the best. I'm going to go skydiving this summer again, I need to. You get so addicted to it, and there is no stopping it. I'm surprised I've been able to stay on the ground for so long, I wanted to go back up again the moment my feet was on the ground again. I could really have their job. The guy I jumped with, I was his 9th dive for the day and he went up right after again. I was so jealous.
It was lovely though, because my team planned so we were in the air for an extra long time so I spent extra time admiring the beauty. It was absolutely unbelievable. I wish I had a camera with me so you could get a feel of the extreme beauty up there. I wish I had captured that. It was insane. My mind blew about thousand times and I couldn't get over it.
I really want to take the certificat for skydiving, so I could just go whenever really. That. would. be. incredible.
If you ever think about going skydiving, just do it. Honestly, you won't regret it for a second. Trust me on that one.
Photos are screencaps from the video and pictures my mom and dad took.
It was lovely though, because my team planned so we were in the air for an extra long time so I spent extra time admiring the beauty. It was absolutely unbelievable. I wish I had a camera with me so you could get a feel of the extreme beauty up there. I wish I had captured that. It was insane. My mind blew about thousand times and I couldn't get over it.
I really want to take the certificat for skydiving, so I could just go whenever really. That. would. be. incredible.
If you ever think about going skydiving, just do it. Honestly, you won't regret it for a second. Trust me on that one.
Photos are screencaps from the video and pictures my mom and dad took.
“The coward dies a thousand deaths.”
“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.”
“All people who live, die. But, not all people who die have lived.”
'I was born for a storm and a calm does not suit me.'

life is one big loveletter. and this is mine.
i wanted to do something new, something pretty. this is my first post in this category. hopefully many more to come. i have no idea how this will turn out, but who ever does really. that's the beauty of it all.
For most of life, nothing wonderful happens. If you don’t enjoy getting up and working and finishing your work and sitting down to a meal with family or friends, then the chances are that you’re not going to be very happy. If someone bases his happiness or unhappiness on major events like a great new job, huge amounts of money, a flawlessly happy marriage or a trip to Paris, that person isn’t going to be happy much of the time. If, on the other hand, happiness depends on a good breakfast, flowers in the yard, a drink or a nap, then we are more likely to live with quite a bit of happiness. ―Andy Rooney

three moving pictures from 2011
Notice the small things, because one day you are going to look back and realize they were the big ones. Notice the beauty in the world, you may not always see it but do not be mistaken - it is there. You just have to shift your gaze, look in a different way. It's all around you.
Try to learn to breathe deeply, really to taste food when you eat, and when you sleep, really to sleep. Try as much as possible to be wholly alive with all your might, and when you laugh, laugh like hell. And when you get angry, get good and angry. Try to be alive. You will be dead soon enough. ―Ernest Hemingway
If you love deeply, you’re going to get hurt badly. But it’s still worth it. ―C.S Lewis

Två färglösa bilder från Alanya.
Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.

En finare vän får man leta efter. Kan inte förstå att jag träffade henne här, via min blogg. Helt sjukt, det gör ju bloggandet värt det om man skulle uttrycka sig så. Är så otroligt tacksam över det att jag inte vet vart jag ska ta vägen. Sån fin människa som jag inte vet vad jag skulle göra utan i mitt liv. Tycker om henne en del om man säger så. Gör bara så ont att hon bor 1000 kilometer härifrån och att jag nästan aldrig får träffa henne. Tycker hon ska pallra sig ner hit permanent så vi kan ha det så där jättefint varje dag.
/en tillbakablick på de finaste veckorna av sommaren 2012, första gången vi träffades./
All human beings should try to learn before they die what they are running from, and to, and why.

Pamukkale, Turkey /iphone
Att resa är så jävla fint och jag vill vill vill ut nu så mycket att jag sprängs. Här är Pamukkale, Turkiet. Att tänka på att hela världen finns där ute gör mig både väldigt lycklig och rädd. Rädd för att man kanske inte hinner med att se allt man borde, allt som är så otroligt och fantastiskt och något du missat att uppleva och aldrig kommer få chancen att göra.
Jag vill ut ett gäng vänner och backpacka och träffa nya människor och bara leva och skratta och jag vet att jag säger det hela tiden MEN VET NI HUR MYCKET jag vill det? Har krossat mitt hjärta de senaste åren av en så stark vilja att resa.
Fyndade en ryggsäck jag kan ha att backpacka med på secondhand idag tillsammans med två fina Paris-underlägg och en Travel Journal. Vill nu ju.
"The longer you wait for something,
the more you appreciate it when you get it,
because anything worth having
is definitely worth waiting for…"
Jag vill ut ett gäng vänner och backpacka och träffa nya människor och bara leva och skratta och jag vet att jag säger det hela tiden MEN VET NI HUR MYCKET jag vill det? Har krossat mitt hjärta de senaste åren av en så stark vilja att resa.
Fyndade en ryggsäck jag kan ha att backpacka med på secondhand idag tillsammans med två fina Paris-underlägg och en Travel Journal. Vill nu ju.
"The longer you wait for something,
the more you appreciate it when you get it,
because anything worth having
is definitely worth waiting for…"
Motion Picture of Snow. Timelapse in Sweden, mars'13
En timelapse jag gjorde igår. Jag har sedan den sista time-lapsen jag gjorde velat göra det mer och nu - två år senare så äntligen. Så himla kul. Nu är våren borta och allt är täckt av två decimeter snö vilket är väldigt trist, men måste erkänna att det var lite fint faktiskt.
Vad tycker ni? Älskar era ord, ni borde skriva mer. Gör mig så glad.
//a timelapse I made yesterday. spring is now gone and winter is back. hope you like it, please tell me what you think!