From above

Igår var jag, Cissi och Sofia väldigt spontana. Vi tog första bästa buss och satte oss på den. Med den bussen vi tog kom vi till Kaknästornet. Eftersom det var så billigt att åka upp (bara 20kr per person) åkte vi även upp i tornet. :) Men vad hissen gick fort. När den tillslut stannade 150 meter upp i luften kändes det bokstavligen som man flög, haha. Samma sak var det ner, fast motsatsen - kändes då som man trycktes ner i marken. :) Men känslan av att flyga var väldigt rolig!
Utsikten var jättefin. Men måste säga att den första bilden tycker jag är lite läskig då jag tycker det ser ut som att jag hänger utanför fönstret för att ta kortet. Haha! Är det bara jag eller någon annan som tycker likadant?
Where: The Tongan Beach Resort, Vava'u, Kingdom of Tonga
Personal Investment: $2,680 per person (double occupancy)
If you are a single participant, we give you a roommate if possible...if not, the single supplement is $300.
Non-Refundable Deposit: $500 per person
(First balance $1000 due April 20, 2010; final balance $1180 due June 20, 2010)
Travelers Insurance: We strongly suggest travelers insurance (must be purchased within two weeks of purchasing your tickets).
Cancellations: Your deposit of $500 is non-refundable (unless in the case of cancellation if we can fill your space - you will then receive your deposit back minus $75 credit card fees and handling) No refunds if you cancel after June 20, 2010 unless we can fill your space.
Accommodations: Every two people will have their own private oceanside room yards from a pristine white sand beach. We will arrange roommates if needed. If you are a single participant, we give you a roommate if possible ... if not, the single supplement is $300.
Includes: All meals included and at choice (fresh seafood, chicken, meat and wonderful local veggies) ... vegetarian menus available, but not vegan; accommodations (six nights at the resort); four humpback whale swims (6 hours/day for four days; fifth optional day); Tongan Feast with traditional local entertainment; transfers to and from airport; retreat gatherings.
Content of retreat: On the first day, we will have our orientation, getting to know each other and communing with the whales in meditation. On swim days, late afternoons after our whale encounters, you may bask in the beauty all around you and swim in the warm aquamarine ocean right outside your door. In the evenings on swim days, after a delectable meal, we will merge with the whale mind in meditation, receiving channeled messages and be immersed in the expanded, refined vibrations of their deep wisdom. We will share our experiences and revel in our special pod energy of unconditional love. The whales will guide the retreat's unfolding. We will be changed forever as we touch the very core of our Beings and our soul purposes. On the last evening we will have our closing gathering before leaving the island the next day.
***Experienced snorkelers only
***You will fly into the main island of Tonga, Tongatapu (Nukualofa) and then on to Vava'u.
***The air flights are not covered by the retreat fee. The two airlines that normally fly from Honolulu or Los Angeles to Tonga are Air Pacific and Air New Zealand. We will give you suggestions of excellent travel agents who are experienced with travel to the South Pacific.