use your smile to change the world, but don't let the world change your smile

it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow

i am completely in love with you but you won't ever know / can't ever know

nobody can hurt me without my permission / the weak can never forgive, forgiveness is the attribute of the strong

the holga effect via sannas photoshoprecept
i'm so going to buy myself a holga. i am so in love with this effect and i'm so happy that i now can simulate it in photoshop, using my digital. i really want an camera with film, to click and exited wait on the result. on top of that, i'm so bad at printing my photos, but that would absolutely change with an analog camera. i often think that pictures from a digital camera is so cold, ordinary and very boring. i would love to go back in time, only using analog cameras. the pictures then is often (not always) so much more beautiful in my opinion. am i the only one completely on love with this kinds of photographs?
i really, really want a polariod too. what a lovely thing. but only if someone payed for the papers and film, because i would almost never use it otherwise. it is a bit too expensive to risk getting to love. about 5.42 dollars / 33 sek for one polariod.
oh, if money didn't existed we'd all be rich. what a world.
oh, if money didn't existed we'd all be rich. what a world.
there is always a line somewhere
I can't really blog posts about my feelings anymore because my friends and family are reading my blog, and you know me, who I am. So i can't post whatever i'm feeling. Not like i would be able to otherwise. So I am thinking of maybe starting an other blog were no-one knows me. Because you don't always want everyone to know everything about you, especially not if you know them in real life, or maybe because you don't know them and they might know you? I want my blog to be a place were I write whatever I want, but it can't really be like that if everyone knows me. That would be to risky, to scary. It's like you don't let everyone read your diary, but it would be a lot easier to share it if you were anonymous.
That's the tricky part about a blog, how much to share. Were to draw the line. Anyone can read it. Anyone who know me. Someone I maybe don't want reading every detail about me. If no-one knows me, just the words i post, it's kind of fiar. I don't know you, and you don't know me. Fair, right?
It's a bit scary, sharing so much with everyone. Just because it can be anyone. But the thing is, I want to share, I want to write exactly what I feel. But it feels like I can't, to a point. If I don't want my friends or family asking me stuff about it later, then I shouldn't write anything..

That's the tricky part about a blog, how much to share. Were to draw the line. Anyone can read it. Anyone who know me. Someone I maybe don't want reading every detail about me. If no-one knows me, just the words i post, it's kind of fiar. I don't know you, and you don't know me. Fair, right?
It's a bit scary, sharing so much with everyone. Just because it can be anyone. But the thing is, I want to share, I want to write exactly what I feel. But it feels like I can't, to a point. If I don't want my friends or family asking me stuff about it later, then I shouldn't write anything..
If a start a blog were no-one knows me, no-one then can judge me. And i can be and say whatever i want.
But I like it here. This is my place and I don't want that to change....

every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged of us

the love that lasts the longest is the love that is never returned

I photographed the cutest things ever yesterday. Still dying a bit over here... Now I know what's on top of my wishing list...
...a baby goat! pleeeeease?
2,533 kg

good morning sunshine

I just woke up, sitting here with my tea waiting to get a little more energy. Sofia is coming today, feels like I havn't seen her for ages. The sun is shining it's beautiful light over Sweden and today I'm going to gt my candyegg. Wihoo! Am I the only one who still gets those? My mum usually even hids them, haha!
It looks like it's going to be a fantastic day. What are you guys up to?
happy easter everyone ♡

I hope you have a wonderful easter. How are you celebrating easter? We don't really celebrate it, mainly because I'm allergic to eggs and can't have them, paint them and all that fun you do around easter. But we always get an egg filled with candy. :)
livet är ganska värt ändå

The last couple of days have been fantastic, and life feels really great for the first time in a long time. Wilma left yesterday... and now also Cornelia. Feels a bit empty here. But great, looking forward to sleep actually. My hair smells spring. My feets are tired after so much walking around, jumping trampoline, taking a jog in the middle of the night, swimming (inside unfortunetly). I've realised that I have the best friends. ♥
It feels more like summer holidays than easter break. It really feels like summer.
And i'm happy.
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,
but by the moments that take our breath away

Det hade varit mindre smärtsamt med en kniv

Ja, därför tror jag det hade varit lättare om du hade haft en kniv.
Nästa gång ska jag ge dig en kniv istället för en mun fyllt med ord.
För det hade varit mindre smärtsamt.
ett utkast jag skrev för länge sedan som kanske inte borde publicerats.
They may forget what you said,
but they'll never forget how you made them feel.
an insight of my wonderful day today.
2011-04-16 - cornelia & hannah & wilma

Wilma is here after a 4 hours drive!! Staying for a few days over the easterbreak. Had a wonderful day in the springsun with two beautiful girls. I really love the sun, the flowers, being able to just be outside. The spring is here and I'm so happy, winter is really not my time of the year... Wilma also has an iPhone which i fell inlove with soooo bad - istagram... wish I had one just to photograph with. dying, so gorgeous outcome of photos!!!! Hopefully my best friend, Cornelia is gonna buy an iPhone too, (i'm going to steal it all the time).
It's near 3 am and we're still up - photographing, just doing nothing. We're thinking about making popcorn... haha, after a day of just eating candy..
we're soooooo healty!!!!!
choose happiness

A few more pictures from the sunny day in gothenburg filled with summerfeelings and smiles.
min bästa vän

i really love this girl. known her for eleven years and she's the one who can make me laugh when it feels like my world is falling apart. she's the one who make me forget the horrible stuff and make everything better. everyone should have a friend like this. i hope we always stay like this, this close. or else it'll brake me, in ten years, i want to be able to say that this girl still my bestest of friends. because she really is the best of the best.
this girl is incredible. ♡
strawberries with milk

have you ever thought about what protects our hearts? just a cage of rib bones and other various parts so it's fairly simple to cut right through the mess, and to stop the muscle that makes us confess
Breakable - Ingrid Michaelson
Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.

I had two really wonderful days in gothenburg with mum. The first day there it was really warm and sunny. I walked around with just a tank top in the sun and got a bit darker shade on my skin. We took a boat out to a few beautiful islands and just sat in the sun by the ocean, enjoyed the beautiful weather, looked for seashells and other things that had washed up... a perfect day!
Then after a few hours we got back to the hotel, which was a boat with the ocean just outside our hotelwindow...
i'm off to the sea
i'm off to the sea for a cupple of days. A little bit of a random trip to gothenburg. It's going to be sooo wonderful.
see you in a few days.
love, me

pictures from last time i was there. taken by me at age 11.
nu är det verkligen vår, och jag älskar det

My mum is planting seeds in our garden, blue sky, every bit of snow is gone, the sun is varming my skin, sunglasses, a dog running after balls until he almost passes out, the other dog just laying and enjoying life in the sun, flowers, our big trampoline is up after the long winter, eating strawberrys with milk. It's spring now.
It really is, and I really love it!
Canon ef 70-200mm f4L usm

Look what my parents gave me a few weeks ago! Sooooo happy!! ...Unfortunateeeely, it's not the real lens that you might think from the pictures above. It's a coffee mug! And I love it, wanted one since the moment I saw it. And the coolest thing is that I can put in on my camera! My camera looks so professional with it on! Trust me when I say this - I'm gonna go with the mug on my camera like that just for the look! Imagine starting to drink from it, with the mug still on the camera.. Haha, people would probably think I'm crazy. And totally awesome!
You can buy it yourself here. There is also an other model you can buy, but I've always wanted the zoom-lens from the L-series so I never wanted the other model. :) And there is also one for the nikonlovers.
My favorite mug of all time. ♡
Absolutely something for a camerafreak like me!

you are the reason my world is still spinning

you are truely wonderful. i love you.
You’re 90% of the reason why I get up in the morning.
(the other 10% is because I have to pee)

Remember when we were young and everything seemed so beautiful?

Your Secret by Jean-Sebastien Monzani
It's the heart afraid of breaking that never learns to dance. It is the dream afraid of waking that never takes the chance. It is the one who won't be taken who cannot seem to give. And the soul afraid of
dying that never learns to live.

Hej där, vem är du?
I would like to think that you know me pretty well. But I don't know you, yeah you, behind that screen. But I would like to get to know you. Who are you? You can tell me anything. Maybe just a "hi", a simple dot or your lifes story. Whatever you want, I just want to know who you are out there.

I'm Hannah Larsson. 15 years young. I was born 2 months premature, and it wasn't sure that I would survive. I've had three screws operated in
my right leg. I got a dog on christmas 2006, wrapped in a package. Living in Sweden, near Stockholm with my family and two dogs. I'm in love
with whales. I want to leave Sweden and never come back. I don't believe in God, but I believe in something more than just this. I'm allergic to
almost everything. Vegetarian. Weird. And I'm going to travel the world someday.
my right leg. I got a dog on christmas 2006, wrapped in a package. Living in Sweden, near Stockholm with my family and two dogs. I'm in love
with whales. I want to leave Sweden and never come back. I don't believe in God, but I believe in something more than just this. I'm allergic to
almost everything. Vegetarian. Weird. And I'm going to travel the world someday.

Me. Photographed by Wilma.
we could be looking at the moon in the same moment a million times
in our lifes without ever knowing it

Romeo & Nasse

We have guests! I'm babysitting (ratsitting?) these cute gerbils while my friend is snowboarding up in Sälen. There is a black one too, but he is a bit shy, so I didn't get him on picture. My dogs are completely crazy and really love them (maybe a bit too much). My mum now also wants to buy gerbils, so maybe we have some cute ones of our own soon. :)
And yesterday I got my new laptop, yay! We couldn't save the other one so I got a new one, I really don't understand how everything I own can brake all the time.. Thank you mom and dad, love you. ♥ Couldn't survive without a computer, no joke. And on top of that I have a new header to celebrate that it's April 1st (not really because of that, but yeah). I hope you like it, I haven't decided exactly what I think yet. But I got tired of the old one.
What do you think?
Good? Bad?
And yesterday I got my new laptop, yay! We couldn't save the other one so I got a new one, I really don't understand how everything I own can brake all the time.. Thank you mom and dad, love you. ♥ Couldn't survive without a computer, no joke. And on top of that I have a new header to celebrate that it's April 1st (not really because of that, but yeah). I hope you like it, I haven't decided exactly what I think yet. But I got tired of the old one.
What do you think?
Good? Bad?