Canon ef 70-200mm f4L usm

Look what my parents gave me a few weeks ago! Sooooo happy!! ...Unfortunateeeely, it's not the real lens that you might think from the pictures above. It's a coffee mug! And I love it, wanted one since the moment I saw it. And the coolest thing is that I can put in on my camera! My camera looks so professional with it on! Trust me when I say this - I'm gonna go with the mug on my camera like that just for the look! Imagine starting to drink from it, with the mug still on the camera.. Haha, people would probably think I'm crazy. And totally awesome!
You can buy it yourself here. There is also an other model you can buy, but I've always wanted the zoom-lens from the L-series so I never wanted the other model. :) And there is also one for the nikonlovers.
My favorite mug of all time. ♡
Absolutely something for a camerafreak like me!