what would you do if you were stuck in one place and every day
was exactly the same, and nothing you did mattered?

greece 2000 and denmark 2006 / don't know if i have taken any of these
i really don't like sweden, i really don't. frankly i hate it, and that i can say without any lying. now it's five months of snow, darkness, and a colorless world and i can't handle it much longer. i want to leave this world, and enter a new one. i don't want to live here. i want to go far, far away and never go back. to a place where the sun is shining and you can be happy. i think i was born in the wrong place. i don't feel at home here and i can't wait to leave, and that's not what home should feel like. all the things i like, is elsewere. my biggest dream is to travel, dive, live near the ocean, see whales, dolphins. thats the stuff which makes me happy when i'm feeling down, just by thinking of them.
i want to experience different cultures. different people from the one here in sweden. i still want to take the first flight somewhere far away like i did months ago. i still think i was born on the wrong place, like something went wrong and i'm not suppost to be here. but out there i am, somewhere. i don't travel much now, barely anything. when i was four or five years old my family and i went to greece with relatives and that is the only time i really went somewhere, and i don't even remember it. sure, we have visited danmark a few times, but for me, that doesn't count.
i just want to leave. but i can't. i'm stuck. depressed. i hate sweden.
i want to leave.