soon it's spring, and the warmth is coming back. i can't wait... ah!

The Last Song Ever Written - Stars
^this is kind of torturing... because soon doesn't seem to be any time soon at all... just snow, snow and more snow. i. want. spring. now.well - one can hope, right? blizzard out yesterday, and now it's even more snow than before. oh my god, i really can't wait to leave this country. snow and cold really isn't my thing, at all... i'm completely isolated. i can't wait for spring. to be able to run outside. ride my bike, just going nowhere. go on walks, listening to music. just, everything... everything. i'm barely leaving the house now.
no, snow isn't my thing, and i can't wait to leave. it's torture.
{and a big fat thanks to Fabian who took the time to help me yesterday, so now i'm able to edit again. don't know what i would do otherwise. there really is some genuine nice people out there!}