6 hours at the vet.

Cayenne {wonderful doggy} started acting so weird, and he didn't wanna go out and barely walked anything. And I could just see that something was wrong, because he acted so strange. As the day got on he just layed there. And then he started bleeding. And limp. I freaked out a bit and could just feel that something was seriously wrong with him. And it just got worse because then he then couldn't walk at all. Cayenne didn't move. He tried, but his legs just fell under him. And you could just see how much he wanted to get up, but he couldn't. This is when I got really scared, because I thought there was something seriously wrong inside him.....
My mom got home and we drove to the vet. He still couldn't walk at all and you could just see how much pain he was in, he could barely lay down - which was the only option, but because it hurt so much he couldn't lay still.
We sat in the waiting room at the vet. for 4 hours. 4 very, very long hours. Snakebites {scary} on animals and such kept coming in, so we had to wait even more because they had to take the more critical animals first, naturally.

When we finally got into the vet. after 4 hours and she took a look... She said his anal sac had ruptured, and I hoped that there was nothing more which cased the no walking. I took one too, and I highly regret it. Oh god. That was not a pretty sight. Poor dog... He must have been in so much pain, I can't even imagine. And it must have hurt so much he just couldn't walk. He was put under and they shaved him and all to clean it. Due to his epilepsia {why is it always you stuff happens to?}, he couldn't be put under with the "strongest" stuff. But he was completely out after a few minutes.

And it was so weird, he is the lightest sleeper and always jumps when you walk by and everything, but he was completely gone. So weird seeing. And when they was cleaning his wound he actually screamed and tried to get up, even when he was put under... I almost started crying. I couldn't even watch. He must have been in so much pain. It had actually ruptured, and.... uh, not a pretty sight. Shills down my spine.... Hopefully he wont remember anything though... Poor fnuff.
He woke up and was so scared and didn't know where he was, and it hurt so much so he was just wining. I just wanted to pet him and hug him, but that just makes it worse... Hated seeing him like that.

After 6 hours at the vet we got to go home... and the look on Cinnamon face... {other little doggy for those not keeping track}. He got so scared of Cayenne, with the funnel and just stared at him in shock....
Cayenne still isn't walking, but I think it still hurts so much. And it was so inflamated so it'll probably take a while. Really hope he'll go back to normal asap and start walking soon. Love you little guy.
{longest post ever. i'm sorry.
and thank you all for the comments in the last post. so glad to see you're still here, starded having my doubts. please stay loud! every single comment makes it more fun to blog, so please keep it up!}