Soul Surfer; a true story of faith, family, and fighting to get back on the board

Yesterday I saw this movie. Soul Surfer. There's just a handfull of movies I've seen that deeply and honestly touched me and made me feel so... I can't explain it. One of them is 127 hours, which I wrote a post about... I actually feel the same about this movie, but it's not as gruesome and, weird as 127 hours was I would say. And just like 127 hours it's based on a true story, and let me tell you that I cried like a baby during it. And afterwards too, googling the real Bethany Hamilton.... {x} Amazing person #1..? Eh; yes.
I really, truly loved this movie and it was just perfect. I strongly suggest you see it. asdfghjhgf. One of the top 5 best movies I've seen, and trust me when I say I've seen alot of movies. There are so many bad and useless movies now days, that movies like this make me so thankful for the movieindustry. Next up: reading her autobiography..
{and wow, I wish I had something I was so passionate about, that I loved to do more than anything as she feels about surfing}. Making my mom see this now. AH!
pictures from google, most are probably her own personal ones. don't have the sources, sorry.