Today it is someones birthday. Ada, someone who has come to mean so much to me, in just a short time, really. Who I can tell everything. If I were to tell you everything about this person and what she has come to mean, we could be here all day. But the toothpaste-incitent, all the endless long summer night we were up talking, laughing so hard you felt your six-pack forming, deep-shit talks for hours, insides jokes no-one understands.... so much. And we're so much alike, yet nothing like each other.
And so much creepy stuff has happened, so we've both come to the conclusion that we are, indeed, twins. Yes. And she is 100 km away from me... but this summer we'll meet, and it'll hopefully be so amazing and non-awkward, well, not to count on the awkward part... haha!
It started out as just comments, here. She commented on my blog. And they were my favorite, something special about them, that made me just want to talk to her... and later on I added her on Facebook and made her get skype... I have much to thank my blog for, have I mentioned that before? She is one of the most asdfghjkjhg {<unable to discribe it better, just amazing} people I've ever known.
And she is so so so nice. Just purely nice. And, yes, she is stunning. Did I mention that?
{Feeling alot of this, this, and this coming up....! not to forget this too.}

{nothing of this content^ is mine. from tumblr, and the picture with the butterflies is adas, and i completely love it}