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It’s like every time something actually goes right in my life someone somewhere says ”Oh she looks happy, let’s fuck up her life a little more”
The lens, the camera and the harddrive, all broke. In one freaking day.
And it doesn't really matter if I'm a klutz or not. Things break even when I have nothing to do with it, this is a rarely - me being the cause. I'm not even joking, I usually have nothing to do with it. People wonder what I'm doing to my stuff, and I have no idea... Now they broke of gravitational causes, but even without that....And I'm completely broke. Like seriously broke. I can't afford to buy anything new. And a new camera cost 10 000 sek, the lens 1000 sek and a new harddrive around 2000 sek I guess. I don't even think I can afford to even repair it, I'm sure the repair will cost even more than the camera itself...
So If nothing new comes for a while you know why! Hahaha!!!