35. Let my hair grow really long then cut it all off {cheating style}

My new hair. I involuntarily got shorthaired all of a sudden. I was at the hairdresser yesterday, the 2nd time in like 5 years. I always cut my own hair, because I'm to afraid they'll cut of way to much if I go and cut it. And well, yes... they did. I went in just going to cut 2 cm.
My hair is so healthy now, when I started putting more days inbetween the washes, thanks to the wonderful dry shampoo I discovered a few weeks ago... and it's soooo healthy you wouldn't believe it, compared to before... and I'm happy too about not cleaning my hair so often, because I can't stand my hair clean... I hate it and it's just so frizzy, so I always put so much grease and oil in it afterwards, because I just can't stand it clean.. but I had to wash it aften, because my roots got so oily so fast... but then I discovered dry shampoo... well, should I just admit that was the best thing in a loong time? ah! My hair was thinner at the ends, but it was so healthy... so I went in just going to cut 2 cm and fresh it up a bit, because I didn't really need to cut more than that.
But well, after a few misunderstandings it just got shorter and shorter. and I wanted a V-form in the back, and well, after it was done and she took the mirror, there was just a straight line, so she had cut it completelty straight... fail. So then I got another one cutting it, who obviously knew what he was doing and then I got my V-shape. And by then it was this short.. haha!
Yes, anyway, this is my new hair and that was just what I really wanted to tell you. Haven't had it this short in like 3 years maybe? I was completely chocked it got sooo short afterwards and hated it, also because they blowdried it and it was completely straight and just uh, which I can't stand, so that's part of the reason I hated it at first, but then I showered when I got home... and I have to admit I kinda love it now. It feels so fresh now, thick, and I actually like the short hair.. I always secretly wanted to cut it short but always been afraid to... Now I want to cut it even shorter, and get my dream-haircut I've wanted to cut for years.... Hm, maybe....
HAHAHA, and I know it's kinda cheating to take this from my bucket list.... because this was not intentional and I ment to grow it like 10cm more and then cut it shorter than now.... But ignore that! We can pretent...... HAHA.
Does this count? ok, feels like cheating. not what i meant when I wrote it... haha, oh well!

^To have in mind it was this lenght before they kinda failed with the 2cm cut, haha!