Oh hai there you!
I have such a love/hate relationship with my blog I don't even know if I should blog anymore. I hate the things I put up more than anything. I wish my blog could be so different.... "Well, then make it different" most of you probably think, but ok. Right now I can't. I have nothing to photograph with, for one. And I always get stuck... I wish I could just put up anything I want and just not really give a fuck, and just... argh, don't even know. And I hate that I can sit for hours with on post because it doesn't look the way I want. And the past post are so "artificial".. for the lack of a better word. Just things I put up because I didn't have anything else, and I hated those.
There is alot of things I love too. But most of the time the hate takes over. Lately even more. I get so frustrated blogging. And I've had absolutely nothing at all to put up the past.... year...
Ok. I just wanted to let you all know that I'll be back. Ehm, sounded like I was quitting, wasn't it? No. But... Just a little explaination I guess, and I wanted to tell you that I'll just take a break. <no joke, I've been on that break for so long now it's kinda obvious.
Do you even care anymore? The few people that keeps coming back. Why do you still care? Kinda amazed me, and confuses me... and all inbetween.
And I really miss talking to the few of you who have actually become my internet friends.
I have such a love/hate relationship with my blog I don't even know if I should blog anymore. I hate the things I put up more than anything. I wish my blog could be so different.... "Well, then make it different" most of you probably think, but ok. Right now I can't. I have nothing to photograph with, for one. And I always get stuck... I wish I could just put up anything I want and just not really give a fuck, and just... argh, don't even know. And I hate that I can sit for hours with on post because it doesn't look the way I want. And the past post are so "artificial".. for the lack of a better word. Just things I put up because I didn't have anything else, and I hated those.
There is alot of things I love too. But most of the time the hate takes over. Lately even more. I get so frustrated blogging. And I've had absolutely nothing at all to put up the past.... year...
Ok. I just wanted to let you all know that I'll be back. Ehm, sounded like I was quitting, wasn't it? No. But... Just a little explaination I guess, and I wanted to tell you that I'll just take a break. <no joke, I've been on that break for so long now it's kinda obvious.
Do you even care anymore? The few people that keeps coming back. Why do you still care? Kinda amazed me, and confuses me... and all inbetween.
And I really miss talking to the few of you who have actually become my internet friends.
i wish people looked like their personalities
dead blog, hello.
35. Let my hair grow really long then cut it all off {cheating style}
My new hair. I involuntarily got shorthaired all of a sudden. I was at the hairdresser yesterday, the 2nd time in like 5 years. I always cut my own hair, because I'm to afraid they'll cut of way to much if I go and cut it. And well, yes... they did. I went in just going to cut 2 cm.
My hair is so healthy now, when I started putting more days inbetween the washes, thanks to the wonderful dry shampoo I discovered a few weeks ago... and it's soooo healthy you wouldn't believe it, compared to before... and I'm happy too about not cleaning my hair so often, because I can't stand my hair clean... I hate it and it's just so frizzy, so I always put so much grease and oil in it afterwards, because I just can't stand it clean.. but I had to wash it aften, because my roots got so oily so fast... but then I discovered dry shampoo... well, should I just admit that was the best thing in a loong time? ah! My hair was thinner at the ends, but it was so healthy... so I went in just going to cut 2 cm and fresh it up a bit, because I didn't really need to cut more than that.
But well, after a few misunderstandings it just got shorter and shorter. and I wanted a V-form in the back, and well, after it was done and she took the mirror, there was just a straight line, so she had cut it completelty straight... fail. So then I got another one cutting it, who obviously knew what he was doing and then I got my V-shape. And by then it was this short.. haha!
Yes, anyway, this is my new hair and that was just what I really wanted to tell you. Haven't had it this short in like 3 years maybe? I was completely chocked it got sooo short afterwards and hated it, also because they blowdried it and it was completely straight and just uh, which I can't stand, so that's part of the reason I hated it at first, but then I showered when I got home... and I have to admit I kinda love it now. It feels so fresh now, thick, and I actually like the short hair.. I always secretly wanted to cut it short but always been afraid to... Now I want to cut it even shorter, and get my dream-haircut I've wanted to cut for years.... Hm, maybe....
HAHAHA, and I know it's kinda cheating to take this from my bucket list.... because this was not intentional and I ment to grow it like 10cm more and then cut it shorter than now.... But ignore that! We can pretent...... HAHA.
Does this count? ok, feels like cheating. not what i meant when I wrote it... haha, oh well!
^To have in mind it was this lenght before they kinda failed with the 2cm cut, haha!